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According to the study of the European Commission, "Estudio del Impacto del Erasmus: Efectos de la movilidad en las habilidades y la empleabilidad de los estudiantes y en la internacionalización de las instituciones de educación superior" the students that have participated in a mobility activity have 50% less likely to be unemployed one year after graduation and improve by 42% the six personality traits sought by entrepreneurs.  


For this reason, the Alzira City Council is launching 10 European mobility scholarships, with the aim of providing beneficiaries with work experience, and at the same time, giving them the opportunity to expand and improve their knowledge in a foreign language. This scholarship program is part of the Journey to Employability.  


The purpose of these scholarships is the completion of 2 months of internships in companies and are distributed between the United Kingdom, Malta and Italy. The training practices in companies are planned to take place between January 1, 2018 and March 30, 2019. (This calendar can be modified)  


In order to offer a greater number of participants the opportunity to be part of this program, the scholarship will directly cover the trip from the airport to the destination city, accommodation, travel and accident insurance and will offer individual financial assistance for the maintenance of the participant (in those cases in which the maintenance is not included in the accommodation). The search and assignment of a host company will be carried out by the Alzira City Council.  


Scholarships will be awarded through competitive competition among applicants who meet the requirements established in the rules.

DEADLINE: UNTIL DECEMBER 15th, 2018 (or until there are no places left)

IDEA Movilidad Europa 2
IDEA Movilidad Europa 1
IDEA Movilidad Europa 3


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